laugardagur, febrúar 05, 2005
Hahaha... ég verð að sýna ykkur þetta... ég rakst á 'review' á einum gítar... þetta er alveg reiði gaurinn sem veit ekkert út í hvern hann er reiður... þetta er rokkari!!!
Price Paid: US $160
Purchased from: N/A
Features: 7
Same shit anyone has said before. Made who the fuck knows where. Made out of who knows what. I bought this fuckin guitar cause it cost 160 bucks, FUCK IT!
Sound: 10
I play rock, hardcore, metal, blues, and alternative shit. This fuckin guitar kicks fuckin ass for what it costs. I don't give a shit what you play, you can't buy a better guitar for under 200 bucks. I doesn't sound just like a 2000 dollar Les Paul Standard, but that's good. Because I'd be pissed that I bought a fuckin Standard for that much if I could have bought this piece of shit.
Action, Fit, & Finish: 10
I took this fucker home and cranked the fuck out of it. I played it through my Marshall TSL 100 full stack and fuckin destroyed shit! This fucker gets killer tones and great sustain, fuck the feedback! If you play metal of any kind this IS your back-up rig. Buy a nicer Gibson but buy this fucker too!
Reliability/Durability: 10
I play fuckin hard and beat the fuck out of this piece of shit and has held up. I just break a fuck load of strings. Stays in tune pretty good too.
Customer Support: N/A
Overall Rating: 10
I've been playing guitar for fuckin 17 years and have had plenty of guitars. I own an Gibson Standard, ESP M-2, Ibanez RG570, SG Standard, and this piece of shit. I play all of these fuckers through my kick ass Marshall stack and fuckin destroy. These peice of shit is well worth your chicken-scratch money, so fuckin buy one. I know alot of kids and beginners think this guitar is fuckin great and it is in its own right, but it is no replacement for the real deal. So keep saving your pennies and buy a real fuckin guitar!
Submitted by Fuck U! at 01/22/2002 13:20
Lifi Rokkið!!! :þ
Price Paid: US $160
Purchased from: N/A
Features: 7
Same shit anyone has said before. Made who the fuck knows where. Made out of who knows what. I bought this fuckin guitar cause it cost 160 bucks, FUCK IT!
Sound: 10
I play rock, hardcore, metal, blues, and alternative shit. This fuckin guitar kicks fuckin ass for what it costs. I don't give a shit what you play, you can't buy a better guitar for under 200 bucks. I doesn't sound just like a 2000 dollar Les Paul Standard, but that's good. Because I'd be pissed that I bought a fuckin Standard for that much if I could have bought this piece of shit.
Action, Fit, & Finish: 10
I took this fucker home and cranked the fuck out of it. I played it through my Marshall TSL 100 full stack and fuckin destroyed shit! This fucker gets killer tones and great sustain, fuck the feedback! If you play metal of any kind this IS your back-up rig. Buy a nicer Gibson but buy this fucker too!
Reliability/Durability: 10
I play fuckin hard and beat the fuck out of this piece of shit and has held up. I just break a fuck load of strings. Stays in tune pretty good too.
Customer Support: N/A
Overall Rating: 10
I've been playing guitar for fuckin 17 years and have had plenty of guitars. I own an Gibson Standard, ESP M-2, Ibanez RG570, SG Standard, and this piece of shit. I play all of these fuckers through my kick ass Marshall stack and fuckin destroy. These peice of shit is well worth your chicken-scratch money, so fuckin buy one. I know alot of kids and beginners think this guitar is fuckin great and it is in its own right, but it is no replacement for the real deal. So keep saving your pennies and buy a real fuckin guitar!
Submitted by Fuck U! at 01/22/2002 13:20
Lifi Rokkið!!! :þ